Saturday 10 May 2014

Faith In The Unknown

When you work in network marketing you regularly, possibly everyday come across individuals who are only motivated by others performance and achievements.

Generally that performance and achievement record is directed at you, the deliverer of the opportunity.

Questions like:

1) What are you making?
2) How many customers have you got?
3) How many people have you recruited?

When you first start out in Network Marketing this is very hard to answer as your just starting and to answer with "I've just started, so very little at the moment" is not the answer that motivates a lot of people.

So this leads to responses like "I'll wait to see what you make, how you get on" before I decide on your opportunity.

However lets think about the logic of the response.

For those of you old enough and for those who have history books cast your mind back to 1903.

The Wright brothers on the 17th December 1903 invented and built the the worlds first succesful airplane and made the first controlled, powered and sustained heavier- than- air human flight.

Do you think the brothers waited for somebody else to prove that it was possible to obtain human flight or did they take a leap of faith into the unknown?

If you really believe something is achievable then it should not matter what anybody else has achieved.Your faith, enthusiasm and determination will prove if the process is viable.

I'm not saying proof of the opportunity is not important but network marketing is about the work that you put into it, not what others have done.

Others success only proves that the marketing plan and product are good.

So the next time a network marketer offers you an opportunity, make your descion based on whether you believe you can make a success of it, not wait for others to give you proof.

For those of you wanting to know more about our opportunity.

Please contact us on FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn and lets set up a coffee morning or Skype call.

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