Sunday, 1 June 2014

Money Doesn't Grow on Tree's

Everybody at one time or another wishes they had a money tree.

A fabulous tree where you just go and pick the leaves of cash.

Not wanting to spoil anybody's fairy tale stories but unfortunately money tress like this do not exist.

However an actual tree symbolises a fantastic business methodology.

The tree it self starts out life as a seed and after a while with a little sun and water starts to grow its trunk. A little later branches start to form and grow from the trunk. Along those branches leaves are formed.

The seed and the trunk represent you, your a seed when you first start out but as your business grows you become stronger and you rise into your trunk. To grow you have to find others like yourself that are looking to grow. These friends, colleagues, companions are represented by the branches that join your trunk. To make the tree grow you need customers these are represented by the leaves from the branches. Overtime leaves start to grow into new branches and the tree florishes even more. Finally with great effort the little seed has grown into a grand tree.

This methodology is the basis of network marketing. A business that creates more millionaires than any other industry.

So you could say money trees really do exist

One massive consideration that you have to decide is where to plant your seed. Which field best suits you and will give you the most rewards.

We plant our seed in one field that covers a number of different markets:

  • Weight loss - 672 billion dollar industry
  • Skincare - 102 billion dollar industry
  • Fitness - 75 billion dollar industry
  • Personal Care - 630 billion dollar industry
  • Supplement - 3.3 billion dollar industry

Let me introduce you to some friends of ours, a couple that started out as a seed. A seed where bailiffs where knocking on their door trying to repossess their home and everything they had previously worked for. However still under this threat they battled on to get their seedling to grow and with continued determination they grew and grew, just like the old oak tree. Here they are after 17 years of growth picking up their bonus cheque for the year. Not their salary their additional bonus cheque.

If your looking for a money tree then we have the seeds for you.

Get in touch with us on Facebook, Twitter or even the contact form on this blog and let's set up a skype call or a chat in our local coffee shop.

Or if you know of anyone that would benefit from this post please share it with them. We need to help each other in this world.

Remember we work in over 150 different countries so it doesn't matter where we are based we can work together.

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