Tuesday, 16 September 2014

It Doesn't Work

Who knows someone that has told you that Network Marketing doesn't work?

Generally these are the people who have been involved previously or have a friend that was previously involved.

Now here comes the moment of truth.

The reality is that most people over estimate the income they will receive.

They believe that having a network marketing business is far easier than a PAYE job and you will get paid so much for such a little effort.

Generally after a short period the recruit gives up on network marketing as the huge pay cheques are not rolling in.

The end result is that they believe Network Marketing doesn't work.

The real truth about what doesn't work points directly at yourself.

Hyperthetically imagine you owned a high street business.

What would you pay your staff for a full time position or even part time.

You'd pay the going rate or at least minimum wage and they would have to give you at least 35 hours of work to recieve this income.

So why would you expect to get paid thousands more for say 25% of the effort you apply to your PAYE job.

Network marketing does work but it's very much reliant on the effort you apply to it.

Network marketing will return you probably more than any average current UK salary as long as you give it the time and effort it requires.

If your the type of person that will apply commitment, determination and a willingness to win then please get in touch with us either on the contact form below or FaceBook / Twitter.

We'd love to chat and chew the fat.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Time Wasting

Everybody often finds themselves with limited time to get everything done.

We all have to make the best of the time we have.

The question you have to ask yourself is "What activities do I currently undertake that use up precious hours?"

Generally if you ask someone "Are you currently happy with your position in life?" They will respond with "No this could be better or that needs changing."

Most people have a little dream board either written down or in their head.

The question is "How do I make that dream a reality?"

The dream maybe something as small as a new handbag or even as large as a new home.

What ever it is, activities will have to take place for you to achieve that small or large dream.

Around a year ago we decided that the activity of watching television was no longer for us.

Ask yourself this "Does watching Eastenders, Emmerdale, Coronation Street help me get my wants and dreams"?

Generally the answer is "No" watching actors mimic what is often happening in the real world around you gets you no further forward.

We appreciate that relaxtion time is required but let's make it a productive process 2.7 x 5 days = 13.5, 13.5 hours is 38% of your general working week, based on a 5 day 35hr week.

Remember we all have limited time allowances with all the other plates we have to spin.

If your struggling to find a way to make your dreams become a reality then get in touch with us either on FaceBook, Twitter or the contact form below.

We would love to show you a way to make that productive process.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Morning Routines

Everybody has their morning routines, whether it be on a work day or weekend.

For our entire family there is always one activity that is first on the list, even before the caffeine fixing coffee mug.

Its surprising how many people still don't know that you can drink Aloe Vera Gel. Yes thats right, you can drink it and it doesn't taste like your eating the raw plant.

For me I stick with all natural Aloe Vera, my husband sticks with the Berry Nectar and for the kids its Bit's and Peaches.

Take a little further look into the insights of these fantastic products by viewing the PDF documents linked below:

Still not sure what Aloe Vera does for you on the inside take a look at this 2.30 min video.

So there you have it a single shot of health and nutrition in one easy step, simples.

So who would like to try a free sample?

Contact us either on the comments below, contact form detailed below or FaceBook and Twitter.

We are not like your high street health shop we get you to try before you buy.

Clean 9 Results

One of the most important parts of running a network marketing business is to know that your products actually do work and help people.

To know this you have to have personal experience of the product, know how it reacts when you take it, what results can be obtained and how you feel during the program.

Recently I have just completed my second clean 9. Just like the first time I was again excited about the results.

I had let myself down in between the first clean 9 and the second one by like we all do indulging on foods and drink that don't really tick the healthy life style.

So with my wedding coming up I wanted again to feel good inside and hopefully drop a few pounds to fit into my beautiful wedding dress.

So there you have it, physically you can see the results. I had lost 7 pounds and I was back to feeling energised and healthy again.

For those wondering what just 5 pounds of fat looks like here is the reality:

The clean 9 product is amazing and really starts or re starts your future to a healthy life.

For those wishing to trial any of the products please contact us either here on the comments box/ contact form or on Facebook and Twitter.

Alternatively the clean 9 can be bought direct from online shop at:

Blog Apologies

Apologies must go out to all our followers, we have been a little shy on blog posts in the last few months.

We did have a valid reason and here it is.

Yes we got married after all this time.

The wedding took place on the sunny island of Lanzarote with all our families, so as you can appreciate it took a lot of organising.

One of the greatest things about this business is that in the preparation to the wedding we were able to reduce our hours of work with very little effect to our residual income and we certainly had no boss giving us that disapproving look on the reduction of our working hours.

Now the fun is all over its time to get back into the swing of things, so blog posts here we come.

Let me ask you this what PAYE job would let you take a few months off to organise your wedding?

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Money Doesn't Grow on Tree's

Everybody at one time or another wishes they had a money tree.

A fabulous tree where you just go and pick the leaves of cash.

Not wanting to spoil anybody's fairy tale stories but unfortunately money tress like this do not exist.

However an actual tree symbolises a fantastic business methodology.

The tree it self starts out life as a seed and after a while with a little sun and water starts to grow its trunk. A little later branches start to form and grow from the trunk. Along those branches leaves are formed.

The seed and the trunk represent you, your a seed when you first start out but as your business grows you become stronger and you rise into your trunk. To grow you have to find others like yourself that are looking to grow. These friends, colleagues, companions are represented by the branches that join your trunk. To make the tree grow you need customers these are represented by the leaves from the branches. Overtime leaves start to grow into new branches and the tree florishes even more. Finally with great effort the little seed has grown into a grand tree.

This methodology is the basis of network marketing. A business that creates more millionaires than any other industry.

So you could say money trees really do exist

One massive consideration that you have to decide is where to plant your seed. Which field best suits you and will give you the most rewards.

We plant our seed in one field that covers a number of different markets:

  • Weight loss - 672 billion dollar industry
  • Skincare - 102 billion dollar industry
  • Fitness - 75 billion dollar industry
  • Personal Care - 630 billion dollar industry
  • Supplement - 3.3 billion dollar industry

Let me introduce you to some friends of ours, a couple that started out as a seed. A seed where bailiffs where knocking on their door trying to repossess their home and everything they had previously worked for. However still under this threat they battled on to get their seedling to grow and with continued determination they grew and grew, just like the old oak tree. Here they are after 17 years of growth picking up their bonus cheque for the year. Not their salary their additional bonus cheque.

If your looking for a money tree then we have the seeds for you.

Get in touch with us on Facebook, Twitter or even the contact form on this blog and let's set up a skype call or a chat in our local coffee shop.

Or if you know of anyone that would benefit from this post please share it with them. We need to help each other in this world.

Remember we work in over 150 different countries so it doesn't matter where we are based we can work together.

Vital 5 - Advanced Nutrition Made Simple

Vital 5

Now available in the UK......

So what is Vital 5, well lets take a look.

Everything to make you feel amazing.

Purchase direct from us or online at:


For those living close to us if you'd like to try some of the products for FREE then contact us on FaceBook, Twitter or contact form on here and request your FREE sample.

For anybody else don't worry as we offer a full 60 day money back guarantee on all our products.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Saying Aloe to a Slimmer Future

Don't just take our word for it.

The Clean 9 program really does help you to get on the path to a healthier life.

Here is a testimonial from The Star on the lows and highs of the Clean 9. The article was published on the 25th May 2014.

Click Below:

saying aloe to a slimmer future - News - The Star

Its not easy to get on the right path but with a fantastic product and support from your distributor success can be achieved.

For more information and to try selected samples get in touch with us via Facebook / Twitter or contact form on this blog.

We are here to help and support you all the way.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

The Markets Are Open

Do you know industry values?

Here are some predicted industry values worldwide for 2015:

1) Weight Loss 672 billion dollar industry
2) Personal Care 630 billion dollar industry
3) Skincare 102 billion dollar industry
4) Fitness 75 billion dollar industry
5) Supplements 3.3 billion dollar industry

Want to know even more better news?

We work in all 5 industry area's, what a fantastic opportunity for anyone involved in our business.

With these kind of financial values there are always customers looking for our products.

After just returning from our yearly Global Rally we can't wait for the availability of some of our new products.

For weight loss we have the new C9, F1 and F2 programs.

For Skincare and personal care we have the Sonya range.

For fitness we have the En-Argi pack.

For supplements and health we have the new Vital 5 pack.

There is no better time to join!

Ask us via Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn to see our online presentation and find out a little bit more of what we do.

What have you got to loose?

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Faith In The Unknown

When you work in network marketing you regularly, possibly everyday come across individuals who are only motivated by others performance and achievements.

Generally that performance and achievement record is directed at you, the deliverer of the opportunity.

Questions like:

1) What are you making?
2) How many customers have you got?
3) How many people have you recruited?

When you first start out in Network Marketing this is very hard to answer as your just starting and to answer with "I've just started, so very little at the moment" is not the answer that motivates a lot of people.

So this leads to responses like "I'll wait to see what you make, how you get on" before I decide on your opportunity.

However lets think about the logic of the response.

For those of you old enough and for those who have history books cast your mind back to 1903.

The Wright brothers on the 17th December 1903 invented and built the the worlds first succesful airplane and made the first controlled, powered and sustained heavier- than- air human flight.

Do you think the brothers waited for somebody else to prove that it was possible to obtain human flight or did they take a leap of faith into the unknown?

If you really believe something is achievable then it should not matter what anybody else has achieved.Your faith, enthusiasm and determination will prove if the process is viable.

I'm not saying proof of the opportunity is not important but network marketing is about the work that you put into it, not what others have done.

Others success only proves that the marketing plan and product are good.

So the next time a network marketer offers you an opportunity, make your descion based on whether you believe you can make a success of it, not wait for others to give you proof.

For those of you wanting to know more about our opportunity.

Please contact us on FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn and lets set up a coffee morning or Skype call.

Monday, 21 April 2014

Click Buy...Simples

Internet shopping what a fantastic idea.

Sit at home in the comfort of your own home,still in your pyjamas with a bed head.

Internet shopping does offer some great savings. Why you ask?

  • There's limited staff costs
  • No rents on retail property's 
  • Limited costs on electrical bills,etc

All of these sometimes allow the retailer to reduce the costs of the product from your high street store.

However to really get the best deals you need to internet shop from a direct selling company.

The direct selling company doesn't have the associated costs traditional business's have and now they can offer it to you from the comfort of your settee.

See the business model below:

In the traditional marketing plan everybody adds on their profit before you the consumer pays for the item.

In direct selling theres only two.

Our online shop is currently open to over 14 countries worldwide and all it takes is:

Click and buy............Delivered straight to your door.

We cover:

  • Great Britain
  • Ireland
  • Northern Ireland
  • Australia
  • Belgium
  • Canada
  • Czech Republic
  • Greece
  • Luxembourg
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand 
  • Philippines
  • Portugal
  • Singapore
  • Slovak Republic
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • United States

Pre Programing

When you get involved in network marketing you see so much more of the way in which the human mind is pre programed.

When I say pre programed I'm talking about the subconscious reaction we produce from certain actions or questions.

For example when people ask us "how we are?" when the shop assistant says "can I help you?". We generally react in a pre programed state and say "I'm great" even when we feel like crap or we say "I'm just looking" even when we went into the shop to actually buy something.

When a network marketer offers you a fantastic opportunity or a great quality product your pre programed mind tells you:

  • It's to good to be true
  • Where is the catch

However if those network marketers didn't bother to talk to you face to face and went out and spent thousands on a TV advert with actors and a fake scene you'd rather believe the TV advert than the lonely network marketer.

Exactly the same if those network marketers opened up a shop selling the same products that they offered you before. The pre programing in you tells you that this must be a quality product as it's sold in a shop.

Pre programing limits your life, limits your possibility to receive high quality products, limits your potential to earn greater incomes.

Monday, 14 April 2014


Theres not a lot more to say than what is said in this video link.

What I will say is that our dream is the success of our business.

The avenue's and possibilities that will be available to us and our kids.

The life experiences our family will be able to see and do.

The happiness and gratification for which we shall undertake and the help we will bring to others.

Your dream might not be running your own business and helping others to achieve success just like you.

It may be something totally different but what ever it is never give up on it.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

We Are International

Just like Pitbull we have "International Love"

We work in over 150 different countries around the globe.


  • America
  • Canada
  • Brazil
  • South Africa
  • Europe
  • Australia
  • Japan
  • India
  • China
  • New Zealand
  • And many more..........
If you have family or friends that live in foreign countries you have the greatest opportunity to start to build an international business.

Imagine being paid to go visit your family and friends more than just once every few years.

Did you ever imagine that you could be running a worldwide global business?

Well with our help and mentoring it is all possible.

Contact us on Facebook, Twitter or even our contact form on this blog and ask to see our online presentation.

Are you ready to be a globetrotter?

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Weight Management

Are you struggling with your weight management?

Not sure how to achieve your desired weight?

Then grab a glass of cool refreshing water and listen to an expert on health statistics and ways to achieve a better health and in the end get to the weight you desire.

All products discussed our available from us direct or online at:


Please share this information with all your friends who need our help.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Lack of Energy

Who is suffering from a lack of energy?

Don't limit your thoughts to just athletes, we all need energy to get through our working day.

We have a fantastic combination of products to really overcome this fatigue problems.

It's the En-Argi Pack

So behind every great product that has to be some great science, so heres the science part and the reason why these products are so good:

Buy direct from us or online at:

We Are On YouTube

Do you prefer to listen to an audiobook than reading an actual paperback?

Do you prefer to watch a short video clip than reading a blog post?

Then we have the answer!

We have short and long videos on the following:

  • Our Products
  • Our Business
  • Network marketing tips
  • Training information
  • Coming soon - Diary exposures

Click on the link below to access:
Don't forget to subscribe to the channel to keep up to date.

Time Freedom

Time management is generally how we live our lives these days.

Most things we are tasked with have associated time frames.

For a huge percetage of the human race we have to get up at a selected time, we have to be generally at a place of work at a certain time. Our lunch time is dictated by our boss and then the time we go home is set in our contract.The number of weeks we are allowed to go on vacation is stipulated to us.

Some unfortunate individuals are currently working well above their contracted hours just to get the job done and to keep in employment.

Most of this time is not your own choice and set by someone who would seem to control your life.

Think about what your missing due to these conditions:

  • Time with your children after school
  • Children's school plays
  • Children's christmas plays
  • Children's sports days
  • Family meal times
  • Relaxation time
  • Minimum hour sleep requirement
  • Social time
  • Etc.Etc.

Now visualise a life like this:

  • Wake up when you've finished sleeping
  • Schedule your own day
  • Work the hours you want to work
  • Make time for your children
  • Have time to hit the gym each day
  • Holiday for 3 to 4 months of the year
  • Get paid when your not physically working
  • No worries about childcare in the school holidays

If this visualisation is far better than the current life conditions you have, we'd love to talk to you and show you a better future.

Contact us on Facebook or Twitter and let's set up a skype call or a local meeting.

You do have choices in life you just have to take action.

Saturday, 1 March 2014


Acne is a skin condition that affects millions of people on a daily basis.

Acne Resource Center have reported that 95 percent of people will experience acne at some point in their lives.

With the rising costs and ineffectiveness of some medications prescribed by your doctor, people are now seeking natural alternatives such as Aloe Vera.

While acne for the most part is a result of your parents genes, yeah thanks mum and dad.

People do not realise that their current treatment methods could be compounding the problem.

We have 3 natural products taken in combination that will improve your acne condition.

  1. Aloe Vera Gel
  2. Aloe Propolis Cream
  3. Aloe Hand and Face Soap

Aloe Gel

Aloe Vera gel contains an abundance of vitamins and minerals, it provides seven essential amino acids which are directly linked to cell growth. It will balance the immune system and maintain a healthy digestive system. Fight your acne condition from the inside.

Aloe Propolis Cream

Propolis cream is a combination of Aloe Vera and beehive products. The cream contains Aloe Vera gel and Bee propolis and if you know anything about bee propolis you'd know that bees use it to seal small gaps within the hive and the interior of a beehive is said to be safer than most operating rooms.

Aloe Hand & Face Soap

The soap is biodegradable, pH-balnced and non irritating. It again contains a generous amount of Aloe Vera and with its 'no tears' formula makes it the ideal soap for both children and adults.

Buy all these products direct from us or online at:


Aloe for Health

Just wanted to share this video with you all.

Meet Mr Aloe Vera.......

Although Mr Aloe Vera drinks the gel from the plant unfortunately most of us don't live in a country that can sustain growing the Aloe Vera plant.

So we are here to help.....

But your Aloe Vera direct from us or online at:


Saturday, 22 February 2014

Unlimited Income

If your currently working in a PAYE job then apart from a possible bonus structure your income potential for the year is usually capped.

Generally the only way for you to change your income is to:
  1. Carry out overtime
  2. Get a promotion to a higher paying position
  3. Move to a new employer who will possibly pay you more

However even if you carried out any of the 3 additional actions listed above your income is still capped.
  1. Overtime is usually either time and half or double
  2. Promotions are limited to your experience, education and commitment.
  3. New employers can generally pay you more because their desperate to resource the position, however they won't pay you exceptional amounts over the going rates.

In the UK and I'm sure across the world there are generally platforms of earnings for each employment position out there.

For example here are the UK's top 20 best average salaries for the year 2012.

When you break down this list first there are some serious educational requirements to hold these positions. Training could of taken a decade or more.

Secondly for some of the positions there has been a high level of personal investment to initially get the business off the ground to where it is today.

Thirdly think about how many hours a week these people work, if your a CEO or director your usually the first one in in the morning and the last one to leave at night.

Fourthly there are some huge responsibilities involved in these positions. Air traffic controllers, how many peoples lives are in your hands everyday.

Then at the other end of the scale you have the UK's 20 worst average salaries for the year 2012.

Wherever you fit in this scale from 1 to 469 or in monetary terms £120,000 to £3000 in PAYE employment you are only paid for what you do and only you.

Network Marketing with us and our team

  • Your income potential is unlimited and always will be
  • Your educational requirement is minimal 
  • Your initial investment is less than one weeks minimal wage at 35 Hrs
  • Training is free and available in abundant resource
  • You earn while you train
  • You set your own working hours to suit your lifestyle and family commitments
  • Your encouraged to earn more and more
  • You earn from the hard work you do and the hard work from everybody you recruit
In our current direct team we have 5 people currently earning more than the number 1 UK salary for 2012 and whats even more amazing was that generally they had only been working 3 to 5 years to achieve this level of income.

These people are just average people who were previously working and earning incomes that fit into the bottom 30 of the UK average salaries.

Any person has the potential within network marketing to take themselves from the bottom of the table to the top and above.

If your looking for a better future for you and your family then contact us on Facebook or Twitter and ask to see our online presentation.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Forever Freedom

Forever Freedom is a breakthrough formula combining the most complete range of nutrients on the market today, essential for the maintenance of healthy joint function and mobility.

The formula is a marriage of the rich nutrients of stabilised Aloe Vera with glucosamine sulphate, chondroitin sulphate, methylsulphonylmethane (MSM), ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and tocopherol (Vitmain E).

Glucosamine sulphate and chondroitin sulphate are two natural substances that help maintain the structure and health of cartilage.

Vitamin C is necessary wherever healing takes place but is particularly important in the functioning of MSM.

As the body ages it looses it's ability to produce healthy cartilage which makes it susceptible to wear and tear, especially in women.

Due to the carrier being Aloe Vera you gain increased bio-availability (better absorption) in the body.

Making this form of supplementation hugely beneficial

If you currently use an anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen you should try Forever Freedom.

Listen to what our customers have to say.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014


Education is an important part of growing up.

We really start our education from the day we are born, however some would say we start our education from our first day of school.

For the moment lets think about school,college and university education.

We are generally told that unless we do well at school we won't get a great job and go on to make lots of money and have a great life.

Firstly having a great life has bugger all to do with money or whatever job you do.You can certainly have a great life without either.

However having more money does allow you to purchase different things that can lead to greater experiences and therefore a great life.

You have to question though what is a great job?

Is it a job that brings you large amounts of money but you hate it?

Or is it a job that brings little financial gain but you love it to bits?

Sometimes you have to way up the amount of time that is required to educate yourself enough to warrant a particular higher salary.

Take a doctor for example they could spend up to 12 years educating themselves to a particular standard and if you asked them was all that time worth the financial gain, you might find they would say no.

How many grad students do you currently know who can't find work? All those years of training and education and still no job.

Network marketing is not like this it does not care if your have honour degrees or just past your basic subjects at school.

There are few skills needed and the financial reward can far out way any traditional employment.

Network marketing creates more millionaires than any other industry

If your ready to make or change your future then contact us on Facebook or Twitter and ask to see our online presentation.

Monday, 10 February 2014

No Employees

If your planning on starting your own traditional business then you will generally be looking for either a small or large amount of staff.

This is what's needed in a traditional business to make it operate.

Have you really thought about the actual realities of employing staff.

First you have to find them, interview them and read CV after CV until you make a descion to give them a go.At this point your not 100% sure if they will work out.

So once you've employed them you have to deal with the following:

  • Monthly wages
  • Holidays
  • Sickness
  • National insurance contributions
  • Inland revenue contributions
  • Maternity leave
  • Under performance reviews
  • Cost of living wage rises
  • Obtain employers liability insurance

Now the question is do you really want all that hassle?

How about owning your own business where you can have as many people as you like working for you / with you and you have none of the responsibility's listed above.

Network Marketing is the answer

Network marketing is based on a performance economy so if your recruits don't work they don't get paid and neither do you. So its in everybody's interest to pull out all the stops and give this job 110%.

Question is how often will a traditional employee give 100%

Starting your own traditional business your usually on your own, you can't reach out to other people in the same business as you as your their competition. Their not going to divulge the secrets of the trade and the secret to success.

Our network marketings teams are there to mentor, train and coach you to be as successful as you want to be.

Looking for a different future then contact us on Facebook or Twitter and ask to see our online presentation. What have you got to loose?

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Dam Alarm Clock

Is your alarm clock winding you up?

Does the thought of setting it give you that knowing feeling that in so many hours you'll be heading back to your 9 to 5 job?

If you feel that you should be able to wake up when you have finished sleeping then the 9 to 5 rat race is not for you.

It's time to look at different opportunity's to earn an income.

In network marketing there's no need to set an alarm unless you decide you have somewhere better to be.

Contact us on Facebook or twitter and ask for our online presentation.

Let's see how different your future can be.


Argi+ one of our best selling products

Here are some great facts about this amazing product.

  • Argi+ is a mixture of L-Arginine and vitamin complex, it is the only complete Arginine Nutritional system in the world.
  • Argi+ opens up the blood vessels allowing you work to work harder and for longer.
  • Argi+ also improves sexual function due to its increase in blood flow.
  • Taking Argi+ before bed time, its amazing for conditions like fibromyalgia.
  • Argi+ aids torn ligaments as it works with the growth hormone as you sleep hence aiding in repair.
  • Argi+ contains L-Arginine AKA the miracle molecule.
  • Can be used before, during or after training to aid performance, endurance and recovery. No need to use extra creatine products when using Argi+
  • Recently had a hip replacement then Argi+ can be taken before bed to help the bones and tissues heal.

Argi+ was designed by the nobel prize winning Dr. Ferid Murad, here what he has to say.


Buy direct from us or online at:

Looking for further proof of this amazing product check out one of our previous blog posts:

Monday, 3 February 2014

Energy Like No Other

Are you the type on individual that does a lot of sports, works far to many hours.

Then our Forever Bee Pollen product is just for you.

Facts about Forever Bee Pollen:

  1. Bee Pollen is a nutritional super food in itself boasting a mega dose of vitamins and minerals to give you a boost.
  2. Gram for gram has 7 times more protein than meat, eggs or cheese.
  3. Suppresses the activity of bacteria and increases the elimination of wastes and poison from the body.
  4. Super nutrient for the body.
  5. Speeds up the rate at which we burn calories.
  6. Bee pollen has a nick name named "legal speed" due to its super energy giving qualities.
  7. It is a complete food in itself and can really help with cravings.
  8. Many also use it as a very effective natural hayfever remedy, allergy aid and assists them to quit smoking.

Buy from us direct or online at:

Traffic Problems

So who has to do the daily commute to work?

Commuting to work has become a bit of a norm these days for many reasons.

However for a large number of us this is not an exciting time. Constantly sitting in lines of traffic, your left leg starting to ache from the amount of times you've released the clutch only to move a few inches forward.

Motorway journeys taking an hour or two longer than it did a few years ago just because of the sheer volume of traffic.

Where will it end?

Take a second to think about how many people are passing their driving tests daily?

How many of the elderly are retiring from driving to use public transport?

The numbers are not in our favour!

Until we can use the skies to move around then the roads are just going to get worse.

Question is why do we have to commute?

Answer:  Because the job that pays the higher money is in a city or town that if we lived there we wouldn't be any finically better off.

So we do it for money!

Let me tell you a little secret you don't have to go through all that hell of commuting just to earn a high salary.

How do you fancy working in over 150 different countries worldwide without even leaving the comfort of your sofa.

Have business meetings in your pyjamas!

Make travel arrangements when you know the roads aren't going to be that hectic!

Live in any town or city you choose!

Make an unlimited income for yourself!

Make every hour of your working day a productive one!

Fed up of hours of commuting then it's time you contacted us either by Facebook or Twitter and let's set up a skype call to discuss your possibility's for the future.

No Boss

Okay so let's explore more of the top 23 attributes you guys listed that what would make a perfect job.

No Boss

Who has a boss they like and who has a boss they don't?

Depending on the size of your business you may have just one boss directly above you or you may have a number of middle management bosses before the big boss.

No matter what you have there are some good points and some bad points to these people. 

Generally if a customer ain't happy then they get the first hit but then what happens, bad vibes travel down hill and what do you know it's your fault.

If your not the boss you will generally be treated as a threat to middle management if your a hard worker and a porn to use from the big boss.

Big boss's are after one thing and that's to move their company forward in a successful manner. They generally want to pay you the least they can or get away with and want your blood and sweat for that same financial reward.

Have you ever been to a yearly review and thought you had been doing a fantastic job only to return from that review feeling disheartened and with a low self esteem.I'm sure there must be some form of traditional business management training on this.

So I would agree with you having no boss is defiantly the way forward.

We don't have bosses in network marketing we just have uplines and sponsers and they are all as equal as you.

They support, coach, mentor and train you to be the best you can.

Your never seen as a threat and if you work hard they'll even put you on a pedastall and show you off to others as an example of greatness.

They don't tell you what your going to earn, you tell them what your going to earn.

The only review you get is when you look in the mirror and ask yourself "Am I doing enough".

If you want to live a life of fulfilment then it's time to get in touch with us either by Facebook or Twitter and let's arrange a skype call to talk about your future.

Don't waste anymore time!

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Meet a Mentor

The greatest thing about our business is you get to work with some great mentors.

We run our business like a family, although your running your own business your never alone. We as your sponsor are there to support, coach, mentor and provide training. All key ingredients to achieve the greatest success.

From the very start we let you decide what you want to achieve and then we work out a game plan to get exactly what you want.

Let me introduce you to one of our mentors who we work with daily and have done since day 1.

Have a listen to her story and see the life that she leads working our business.

Theres no reason why you can't achieve the same success as any of our team.

If your looking to live the life that you want and not the life that is dictated to you then its time to get in touch with us.

Contact us on Facebook or Twitter and lets talk about your future.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Network Marketing V's Advertising

Let's take a minute or two to imagine that you are currently a traditional business owner.

You have your high street shop or similar, you've stocked your shop and your new staff are ready willing and waiting for customers.

Question is how do you get customers?

Marketing and advertising are one of the big ways traditional business owners get custom.

So how much of a budget do you allocate to marketing and advertising?

£1000, £10,000 or even £100,000?

Large corporate business's will allocate hundreds of thousands to this area.

However what is the guarantee that that your advertising investment will pay off?

Answer there is no guarantee.

However the world is changing and even high street stores are looking to network marketing to solve their problems.

The likes of Ann Summers and the Body Shop are already engaged.

It makes perfect sense if you think about it.

Network marketers always work within a performance economy.

So from the point of the traditional business owner if you going to pay £100,000 to an advertising budget with no guarantee of a return. Why not pay that same allocated budget to Network Marketers.

If Network Marketers do nothing you won't pay a penny however if they do work you would generally be paying your advertising budget out and receiving all the sales on top.Win win situation.

I'm making it sound quite simple and I'm sure there are many other things to consider, however hopefully you get my point.

The question for you is which Network Marketing company do you join?

Joining a network marketing company that is not a sole networking company may affect your financial reimbursement. See right hand side illustration below.

Look at who else is going to get paid before your get your reimbursement.

However our business only has two parties Forever Living ( Manufacturer) and You.

For more information concerning a performance economy see our blog post "The World is changing"

Sunday, 12 January 2014

The World Is Changing

From surveys taken across the world, people were asked if you could create the perfect job, perfect business what attributes would you want it to have.

Here are the top 23 attributes people wanted:

  1. No Boss
  2. No Commute
  3. No Alarm Clock 
  4. No Employees
  5. No Politics
  6. No Compromise
  7. No Discrimination
  8. No Educational Requirement
  9. Great Product or Service
  10. Unlimited Income
  11. Residual Income
  12. Enjoy The People You work With
  13. Time Freedom
  14. Something Meaningful
  15. Personal Growth
  16. Lots of Perks
  17. International
  18. Contribution To Worthy Causes
  19. Low Risk
  20. Low Start Up Costs
  21. Economy Proof
  22. Tax Benefits
  23. Fun

Generally there are 5 main types of job categories:

  • Blue Collar
  • White Collar
  • Sales
  • Traditional Business Ownership
  • Investment

A Blue Collar category is somebody involved in Manual Labour or a Service Provider.

Here is the wikipedia explanation of a Blue Collar worker:

The question is can a Blue Collar job meet the 23 attributes listed above?

A White Collar category is somebody involved in Managerial / Office Work / Not Manual Work

Here is the wikipedia explanation of a White Collar worker:

Within the White collar category there are also two types of employees:

  • Achievers
  • Hiders

Achievers start off great, fantastic attitude, want to climb the managerial ladder. Voice their opinions and ideas, work their butts off and whole heartily want to succeed and make a better life for themselves.

However achievers have to learn politics to get to where they want in the corporate ladder. Initially achievers are seen as threats to the existing higher management, so to get higher they have to play the politics game and befriend the bosses. So ending up not really being an achiever just a suck ass.

Think about your current place of work, is your manager in his / her position because they work hard and they are achievers. Or is it the case they now politics and can suck up to the bosses and get the high paying managerial roles.

Hiders on the other hand keep their heads low and do the minimum they can get away with, just to get paid at the end of the month.

The world is changing and in this new economy Hiders will find it difficult to hide.

The question is can a White Collar job meet the 23 attributes listed above?

Sales, Traditional Business Ownership and Investing all come with greater risks than your Blue and White Collar category's.

The World Is Changing Towards A Performance Economy

Right now and more in the future you will be paid for your performance and no longer just your time.

Hiders within the business place will now have to perform at a higher level or run the risk of loosing their jobs.

Think about four current areas for a minute waiters / waitresses, fast food restaurant servers, teachers and bank clerks.

When visiting your local fast food restaurant how many times does the server try to up sell products to you.For us the customer its very annoying well it is for me I just want my food, however here is clear evidence of a performance economy. The server has been tasked with getting as many sales as possible and you would probably find that his or her salary / monthly reward would be affected by their up sales performance.

Who knows a waitress or waiter, they generally get paid a low salary and are given the opportunity to earn extra by their performance skills in the form of tips.

Teachers and bank clerks are expected to take work home so that when they return to their place of work the next day, the nightly efforts will successfully achieve a better performance and schools will meet ofsted figures or sales targets.

This performance economy principle can be applied nearly everywhere.Cleaners will have to clean more, bar tenders will have to pour more pints, the list goes on and on.

Having a performance economy will allow company's to lower basic salaries, so initially saving them overhead costs and in turn if the employee does not produce the owners will not have lost any more money. They would also have manoeuvred the position of continued employment into their hands where they can either sack you or alter your current basic pay grade.

Network Marketing Isn't Perfect Its Just Better

If your going to work in a performance economy, which everybody in the end will. Is it not better to work in a job which nearly hits every attribute listed on the perfect job / perfect business list detailed above.

We are always looking for people to join our team and build a better life for themselves.

Contact us on Facebook, Twitter and lets get a Skype call set up for us to answer any questions you have.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Aloe Vera Benefits

You might be sitting there thinking what does drinking Aloe Vera really do for me.

Well thanks to one of our partners in crime here's the low down:

Drinking Aloe Vera first thing in the morning even before your morning coffee is the best way to set up your body for the day ahead.

Now some people have tried the original Aloe Vera and found the taste to be less palatable, however theres no need to stop there.

We have a total of 4 flavours of Aloe Vera, each starts as the standard plain Aloe Vera and then we add extra ingredients to give you either an Apple and Cranberry flavour ( Aloe Berry Nectar) or even peaches ( Aloe Bits N Peaches).

The 4th Flavour deserves its own blog post due to its success in aiding with mobility.

SOS Fat Pill

Typically in this big bad world its a very difficult challenge to eat a healthy meal every time.

Work schedules, family commitments and social activities play a big part in the diet we consume.

Also sometimes that craving for a monster cheese burger or an english fish and chip have to be satisfied.

However help is at hand with what we in the business like to call the SOS Fat Pill, aka Forever Lean.

So if your currently trying to follow a healthy living program and temptation strays you away, just take a Forever Lean before you indulge in your sin and at least your body won't suffer from your acts.

Buy direct from us or online at:
